In September of last year, Watt-IS was present at the Kick-off Meeting of the ENPOWER project that took place in Athens. This meeting was a way for the partners to discover more about each other and plan what steps to take for the coming months.

ENPOWER project strives to transform traditional passive energy consumers into active energy citizens enabling them to take full control on their energy usage through a digitalization processes,
allowing them to achieve energy savings, increase their energy efficiency and self-consumption optimization.

Watt-IS is joining forces with partners Coopérnico, CEVE – Cooperativa Eléctrica do Vale d’Este and INESC TEC to set up the pilot case in Portugal!

The Portuguese pilot project of ENPOWER aims to enable participants in Renewable Energy Communities (REC) to access new services based on Artificial Intelligence such as: consumption monitoring, specific energy efficiency recommendations, flexibility services, optimization of energy flows within the REC, tariff recommendations, etc.; which will increase user awareness and consumer involvement. The project will also address the sharing of electricity from local Renewable Energy Sources within communities and the assessments of community members’ flexibility will be a base for targeted programs with consumer-specific incentives to increase participation in flexibility services.

CEVE will be responsible for the local Distribution Network Operator and Energy Communities Management; INESC TEC will serve as a Center for Innovation & Development and Integration Support; COOPERNICO will be serve as a Cooperative Manager of Projects Based on Renewable Energy and Watt-IS will be responsible for the management, development and implementation of all the IT Solutions Based on AI and machine learning to make this project possible. COOPERNICO and CEVE will provide two CER by involving their end users.

The project will last 36 months and will involve a global investment of 7 million euros, supported by the European fund HORIZON-CL5-2022-D3-01-08. This project involves 28 entities from several European countries and will be coordinated at European level by the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA).

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