Energy Efficiency
Energy Efficiency

What if Energy Communities could support DSO’s on achieveing a more flexible and resilient electrical grid operation?

The electrical grid is under pressure due to the increasing widespread use of solar panels, heat pumps, electric vehicles and other electrical loads as a result of the environmental need for an energy transition. As the number of electrical equipment in facilities (induction hobs, electric vehicles, heat pumps) grows, the demand for electrical energy increases. […]

Energy Efficiency
Energy Efficiency

Smart meters, AI, Flexibility, Renewable Energy Communities and a smarter energy grid. What’s the storyline that connects all these topics?

Fact: “To achieve the environmental targets established internationally, we need to integrate new renewable energy sources in our energy mix.”, International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) (2020)Global Renewables Outlook: Energy Transformation 2050. IRENA Accepting this fact as one of the main development drivers we need to pursue, with the increased integration of renewable energy sources into […]

Energy Efficiency
Energy Efficiency

Smarts meters as enablers of energy efficiency

With smart metering data starting to be available to end consumers in some markets, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) techniques enable the creation of new highly tailored energy services. This innovative type of services increases value not only for the utilities but also to the end consumers. Most cost benefit analyses of the […]

Energy Efficiency
Energy Efficiency

Watt-IS services increases CEVE’s clients energy savings

Cooperativa Eléctrica do Vale D’Este (CEVE), a Portuguese energy cooperative, distributes power on the LV network and acts as an electricity retailer for around 9,000 customers in the North of Portugal. CEVE has an imbedded innovative-driven culture to meet its corporate sustainability and social responsibility goals, having been investing in the deployment of smart meters […]

Data Analytics Energy Efficiency
Data Analytics Energy Efficiency

Looking at the consumer side of the equation to provide greater value

Data analytics from smart metering data can offer valuable insight about consumers and their behaviours when it comes to their energy use. Using smart meter readings, analytics can interpret that data to learn about consumer’s preferences and interactions, and can use this information to develop customized messaging and communication with the consumer to provide greater […]